Monika Halmos

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Monika Halmos

„Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”
Pablo Picasso


1991-1997. As a flower stylist, I worked with a number of photographers thanks to which we developed with László Budaházy the kind of decorative style which became definitive in postcard and calendar photography. During this period, I published my first writings in the Garden-friend (Kertbarát Magazin), Hungarian Cuisine (Magyar Konyha) and Elite Magazines. I was also involved in the preparation of master chef György Hargitai’s cookbooks as a visual designer, polishing up my knowledge through the courses of Gregor Lersch.

1998- 2006. During this period, I continued my career at the Gabula Art Photo studio. I developed close ties to the Szalay Publishing house, who published a number of my works. I also used this time to study the art of Hundertwasser, the color theory of J. Itten as well as studying water-color painting from Gina Wang at the Academy of Art in Bad Reichenhall and glass painting from Norbert Bukta in Budapest. I published my first work on edible flowers in 1999, which brought me instant recognition. Through numerous television appearances, educational lectures and workshops hosted through non-conventional, experience-based presentation methods, I began conveying my knowledge to all interested parties.

This was followed by a difficult period between 2007 and 2010, after which I established the Rose Cottage Creative Workshop in 2011 with renewed energy and bold plans.

I now strive to convey my previously accumulated knowledge through publications, writings and images, lectures and cooking courses.

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